Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Long days and short nights

It has been about 5 days since my last post. Lea was right about keeping up with the post will get harder and longer in between. It might be days or even weeks between posts, I will do my best to keep blogging away.

Seems like I am finally getting out of the funk I have been and I thank Jesus for that. Finally in the basement catching up with out DVRs. It has been about 2-2.5 weeks since I have made it down there. It feels pretty good.

Lets see...what has happened in the past 5 days. We had the big Mt. Washington Spring Festival. The parade was about 10 politicians too long but the kids had a great time. Cassidy and Ashton both got balloons at the festival. When they got home they wrote a message to pop on the balloons and let them go. They were hoping that the balloons made it to heaven. The balloons might not have made it but I am sure the message did.

Well it is hard to type and pay attention to the TV so I am signing off. Good night and God bless.

Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours! 1 Samuel 25:6

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