Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am titling this one WOW! because of so much love and support my family has. Today's turn out for pop's visitation was just overwhelming, that it was hard to believe.

Walking into the funeral home I wasn't for sure how I would handle the situation. I couldn't swallow as the lump in my throat was to big. The first thing I noticed was pop's white hair, it seems brighter than before but I then I remembered he is now one of God's angels. Why wouldn't be bright? I placed the letters from the kids in with pop, Ashton said that he could read them in heaven, as my eyes filled with tears. Just seeing him laying there was...well...I can't explain but if you have been in the situation you understand what I am talking about.

The friends and family starting arriving and the hugs and "I'm sorry" started spilling out. The next thing I knew I had hugged about 300+ people and found myself at the back of the funeral home. It seems that every time you see someone you know you take a step toward them and after 300+ steps, one would be at the other end of the building. As I started this post, the turn out was just mind blowing. It just proves that pop, AKA gramps, was loved by any and all that knew him.

Thank you to any and all that visited today. If it wasn't for you, today could have been unbearable. But I need to thank someone that has been with me through all of this and that person is Lea. She has been my rock, my support through all of this. With out her I really do not feel I would make it. Thank you Lea, I love you with all my heart and soul.

Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief. Psalm 31:9

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, it was at your fathers wake. But, it was good seeing all of you guys again. Take care, keep in touch and remember, he never gives you anything he knows you are not strong enough to handle!
