Monday, June 6, 2011

Been a while

It has been a while since I posted on here. Call it life or call it being lazy, just haven’t felt it the past many months.

Seems like when you lose someone close to you it starts to make you think about all the good times...good memories. It also makes you realize how little time you actually spent with that person. We will always have reason, work, kids, etc., but it all comes back to being selfish. Putting yourself first when you should always be second...or third even. Jason was one to never hold a grudge so I am sure...hope he has forgiven me and I thank him for that. That is only one of many, many great things about Jason. That boy would give you the shirt off his back, if you needed it. He was one in a million!!

I could type all day about all the great memories we shared and there were plenty, lol. From the simple things like listen to Shai (Showing the age here) as we drive around looking for something to the unforgettable...blowing up mom and pop's pool. I don't think I have laughed so hard in my life and I am sure Shawn will agree.

Jason Wayne Sharp, you will be missed.

Love you brother!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thanks Pop!

I just wanted to jump on here to say thanks to my father. You see I was asked to play in a golf scramble this past weekend and I have not swung a club in about 5-6 years. I believe pop was right there with me helping me through day. I would like to think it was to give me encouragement but I know he just wanted to make sure that I treated his clubs well. My team didn't win but were able to post a score of 7 under. Thanks you and miss you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seems like time flies…

It has been a few months since my last post but I am going to try to get at least one in a week.

It is coming up on 5 months since pop passed and it still doesn't feel real. I was looking at some pictures today and just started smiling. Pop was such a laid back guy. Nothing ever seemed to bother him…except maybe when mom wanted him to do something during a UK game.

About a month ago I had all the feelings of sadness rush back. A co-worker lost his father to cancer. It really hit home but since I had been in his position, I was able to provide a little comfort.

Let’s see…what else…Ashton is playing football and Cassidy is cheering. Both are doing great and in the end going to cost me a ton of $$. See I decided to motivate them by offering them $$ for certain things. Ashton gets $5 for a touchdown, $2 per extra point, $1 for every 10 yards and $0.25 per tackle. He is up to $33 right now. Cassidy is a little harder so she gets $50 if she can get her back-tuck before competition. I got a video yesterday that basically means that I will be out another $50.

What can I say? If you don’t stop to look around it will all be over and you will want to know where the years went. I know most won’t stop to look around but we should try to at least slow down. Life is too short as it is. You need to tell/show the ones you care about that you love them. You cannot give too many hugs and nothing is more important that family.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rough Month...Need More Faith

This month has been a rough one for me. Basically, I miss my dad. I just find myself doing nothing but thinking of life with him and how we will deal with life without him. The month of June had/will have many firsts: First anniversary without pop, first birthday without pop and the first father's day without pop. I have been in a funk all month and it is a combination of things but I think this Sunday, Father's Day, is really getting me down. I know in my heart that my loving wife and 3 beautiful children will help me through the day. As I have posted many times in my blog and on Facebook, the Lord will see it through...I just need a little more faith.

As I typing this I look down at Tori and what is she doing?? Sleeping on the floor. She didn't want daddy to hold her because she wasn't tired. I put here down and start typing and she is sawing logs. It is little things like that just make me smile. Well I guess i need to take her to bed. I am going to say that she will sleep in her bed for about 16.5 minutes before waking up.

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Far and few

It has been many, many days since post my last post. I feel bad for not posting and going to try to play catch-up. Lets see...where to start. The kids got out of school last Wed and each got some good awards (Ashton - Straight A's all year, Principal's award, over all best student, math award, reading award and Cassidy - A-B honor roll all year, missions award, art/writing award). They had a great year at Little Flock and are ready to go back next year. Cassidy hopes they get credited so that she can attend high school there.

Got the area by the creek done with fire pit and all. Broke it in a few weeks with a good old fashion hot dog roast and smores. Wanted to do it again today but with the heat, I decided against it. Maybe next week for sure.

The kids and I have been thinking about pop the past few days. They always want to hear I Will Rise and Keep Singing. I have to say, that I like hearing them too. They think of the songs that were played at pop's funeral but I say those are the the songs that angels sang the day he joined them. It if unreal how I see things or hear things that make me think of pop. Silly things on TV or a dad talking to his kid. Sometimes I think that I will get over feeling like this but deep down I hope I don't.

I hope I don't take too long on the next post but you know how it happens and sometimes gets in the way.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; Psalm 96:11

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Long days and short nights

It has been about 5 days since my last post. Lea was right about keeping up with the post will get harder and longer in between. It might be days or even weeks between posts, I will do my best to keep blogging away.

Seems like I am finally getting out of the funk I have been and I thank Jesus for that. Finally in the basement catching up with out DVRs. It has been about 2-2.5 weeks since I have made it down there. It feels pretty good.

Lets see...what has happened in the past 5 days. We had the big Mt. Washington Spring Festival. The parade was about 10 politicians too long but the kids had a great time. Cassidy and Ashton both got balloons at the festival. When they got home they wrote a message to pop on the balloons and let them go. They were hoping that the balloons made it to heaven. The balloons might not have made it but I am sure the message did.

Well it is hard to type and pay attention to the TV so I am signing off. Good night and God bless.

Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours! 1 Samuel 25:6

Friday, May 7, 2010

Is it really the weekend?

This week has been so very long. It seems like I have been a robot. Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed and do it all over again. I haven't felt bad but feel like I have been in this funk that I just can't shake.

Tomorrow is the big...huge Mt. Washington spring festival and I hope getting out of the house for the day will help me shake this what ever I have. The festival is about the kids but I do love to think back when I was not much older them running around all day.

I know things will never go back to the way things were and I don't want them to. I have a life time of memories and that is plenty. Love ya pop, miss you pop and look forward walking with you and Jesus.

Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Jude 1:21